Through The Lens: A Personal Journey in Photography and Architecture

In addition to my work as an architect, I have a keen interest in photography. I find myself drawn to capturing a wide array of subjects that range from the hustle of city life and tranquil natural landscapes to the grandeur of architectural forms. I enjoy experimenting with the color schemes in my photos to reflect the atmosphere and emotion of each scene. The collection of images featured in this blog represents a selection of memorable sights from my various excursions and travels, each photo personally taken by me, reflecting my journey through the lens.

Pickering GO Bridge: Connecting Design & Community

The Pickering GO Pedestrian Bridge is a notable infrastructure element in Pickering, Ontario, Canada, designed to provide pedestrians with safe and convenient access across Highway 401, one of the busiest highways in North America. This bridge is especially significant for its role in connecting the Pickering GO Station to the Pickering Town Centre and other nearby amenities, thereby facilitating an improved pedestrian flow between major points of interest within the city.

Key features of the Pickering GO Pedestrian Bridge include:

  1. Distinctive Design: The bridge is often recognized for its unique and visually striking design, which not only serves a functional purpose but also acts as a landmark for the city of Pickering. Its design may incorporate modern architectural elements, showcasing innovative construction techniques and materials.
  2. Accessibility: Designed with accessibility in mind, the bridge accommodates all users, including those with mobility challenges. It typically features ramps, elevators, or escalators in addition to stairs, ensuring that everyone can cross the highway safely and comfortably.
  3. Safety Features: Safety is a paramount concern in the construction of pedestrian bridges over busy highways. The Pickering GO Pedestrian Bridge likely includes features such as protective barriers, ample lighting, and possibly surveillance systems to ensure the safety and security of its users.
  4. Connectivity: By linking the GO Station directly with other key urban areas, the bridge plays a crucial role in enhancing the connectivity of public transport networks. This not only improves pedestrian access but also encourages the use of public transportation by making it more convenient and accessible.
  5. Sustainability: The construction and design of the bridge might incorporate sustainable practices and materials, reflecting a commitment to environmental stewardship and long-term sustainability.
  6. Community Impact: Beyond its practical functions, the bridge also represents an investment in the community’s infrastructure, potentially stimulating economic activity, enhancing urban aesthetics, and improving the overall quality of life for residents and visitors alike.

The Pickering GO Pedestrian Bridge is an example of modern infrastructure that balances functionality with design excellence, contributing to the urban landscape and facilitating pedestrian mobility in a busy urban setting.

Discovering Centennial College’s Architectural Gems in Toronto

Centennial College in Toronto isn’t just renowned for its academic excellence but also for its stunning architecture. Let’s take a whirlwind tour of some of its remarkable buildings:

1. Progress Campus – Innovation Central

The modern marvel of Progress Campus in Scarborough showcases sleek lines, expansive glass facades, and cutting-edge learning spaces, epitomizing Centennial’s commitment to innovation.

2. Morningside Campus – Fusion of Tradition and Modernity

Nestled in Scarborough, Morningside Campus blends historic charm with contemporary design. The Ashtonbee Campus, with its historic allure, seamlessly integrates with modern additions, symbolizing Centennial’s respect for tradition and embrace of the future.

3. Story Arts Centre – Creative Haven

Located in East York, the Story Arts Centre, housed in a former film studio, is a haven for artistic expression. Its studios, theaters, and labs foster creativity and cultural exchange, making it a vibrant hub for aspiring media and arts professionals.

4. Downsview Park Aerospace Campus – Gateway to the Skies

Situated at the Downsview Park, this campus offers specialized training in aerospace technology. With state-of-the-art facilities, it’s where aspiring aerospace professionals take flight towards their dreams.

Centennial College’s buildings in Toronto are more than just structures; they’re symbols of innovation, tradition, and excellence, shaping the minds of future generations in the heart of the city.

The Power of Daylight: Enhancing Spaces and Well-being Through Natural Light

Daylight has always played a pivotal role in architectural design, offering a myriad of benefits that extend far beyond mere illumination. It shapes how we perceive and interact with spaces, influences our mood and health, and has a significant impact on the sustainability of buildings. As we delve deeper into the importance of daylight in architecture and interior design, it becomes clear that this natural resource is invaluable in creating environments that are not only efficient but also harmonious with human well-being and connected to the natural world.

The Benefits of Embracing Daylight in Design

1. Health and Well-being: Numerous studies have shown that natural light can have a profound effect on physical and mental health. It regulates our circadian rhythms, improving sleep quality and overall mood. Exposure to daylight has been linked to increased productivity, reduced eye strain, and even a decrease in the occurrence of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

2. Energy Efficiency: Utilizing daylight as a primary source of light during the day can significantly reduce the need for artificial lighting, leading to lower energy consumption and costs. This not only benefits the environment by reducing carbon emissions but also translates into substantial savings on utility bills.

3. Aesthetic Appeal: There’s an undeniable beauty to spaces bathed in natural light. It brings out the true colors and textures of materials, creates dynamic patterns that change with the time of day and season, and establishes a connection to the outdoors, blurring the boundaries between inside and outside.

Strategies for Maximizing Daylight in Buildings

1. Strategic Placement of Windows: The orientation and size of windows play a crucial role in daylighting. South-facing windows (in the Northern Hemisphere) allow for ample light during the winter months, while minimizing heat gain during the summer when properly shaded.

2. Use of Reflective Surfaces: Incorporating reflective materials and surfaces within interiors can help bounce light deeper into a space, ensuring that daylight reaches even the most remote corners.

3. Skylights and Light Tubes: For spaces where windows are not sufficient or feasible, skylights and light tubes can provide direct access to natural light, illuminating central areas of buildings and reducing reliance on artificial sources.

4. Light Shelves and Shading Devices: Light shelves can reflect daylight onto the ceiling and deeper into a room, while external shading devices can control the amount of light and heat entering a space, preventing glare and excessive heat gain.

The Future of Daylighting

As technology advances, so too do the methods and materials available for optimizing daylight in buildings. From smart glass that can adjust its opacity based on the intensity of sunlight to advanced computer modeling that predicts how light will move through a space, the future of daylighting is bright. Architects and designers are increasingly recognizing the value of natural light, not just as a design element, but as a fundamental component of sustainable, healthy living environments.

By prioritizing daylight in our buildings, we can create spaces that not only save energy and protect the environment but also enhance our quality of life. The power of daylight is undeniable, and as we move forward, it will continue to illuminate the path towards more sustainable and human-centric design.

Timeless Fusion

The architecture of the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) is a fascinating blend of old and new, with its historic facade seamlessly integrated with modern additions. Here’s a closer look at the architectural features of this iconic institution:

  • Historic Facade: The ROM’s original building, known as the Heritage Building, was constructed in the early 20th century in the Beaux-Arts architectural style. Designed by architect Frank Darling and John A. Pearson, the facade features classical elements such as columns, arches, and ornate detailing, reflecting the grandeur of its era.
  • The Crystal: One of the most distinctive features of the ROM is the Michael Lee-Chin Crystal, a bold and contemporary addition designed by architect Daniel Libeskind. Completed in 2007, the Crystal is characterized by its sharp angles, geometric shapes, and glass-and-aluminum cladding. It serves as the main entrance to the museum and houses galleries, exhibition spaces, and public amenities.
  • Integration of Old and New: The design of the Crystal was intended to complement rather than compete with the Heritage Building. Its jagged, crystalline form appears to emerge from the ground, creating a striking contrast with the traditional architecture of the original structure. The seamless integration of old and new is achieved through carefully planned connections and transitions between the two buildings.
  • Interior Spaces: Inside the Crystal, visitors are greeted with expansive atriums, soaring ceilings, and dramatic staircases. The use of glass allows natural light to flood the interior, creating a bright and inviting atmosphere. The juxtaposition of modern materials and historic artifacts creates a dynamic and immersive experience for museum-goers.
  • Functionality and Accessibility: Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the architecture of the ROM is designed to enhance functionality and accessibility. The layout of the building facilitates easy navigation and wayfinding, while ramps, elevators, and other amenities ensure that the museum is accessible to all visitors, including those with mobility challenges.

In summary, the architecture of the Royal Ontario Museum is a harmonious blend of old-world charm and contemporary innovation. From the classical elegance of its historic facade to the bold geometry of the Crystal, the ROM’s architectural design is a testament to the museum’s commitment to preserving the past while embracing the future.

Architectural Symphony: Capturing the Essence of Toronto’s Urban Tapestry

This captivating mosaic of images is a love letter to Toronto, a tapestry woven from the city’s own stone and spirit. The collage beckons you to stroll through its concrete veins and breathe in the stories each snapshot tells.

In the upper left, a church spire, etched against the winter sky, reaches upward, its gothic architecture a silent sentinel amidst bare branches. Beside it, another steeple stands tall, its sharp lines cutting through the overcast haze, a reminder of the city’s storied past standing proud against the march of time.

To the right, the future unfurls in a sleek glass walkway, a sinuous river of transparency that contrasts the solidity of the brick and mortar that flank it. It’s a portal that seems to whisper of journeys taken and those yet to come.

The heart of the collage pulsates with the rhythm of the streets. On the left, the avant-garde facade of a cultural hub mirrors the city’s creative heartbeat. Center stage, a vignette of urban life unfolds: people and cars move in a choreographed dance of daily routine, the city’s pulse captured in the momentary quiet of a photograph.

The celebrated ‘Toronto’ sign radiates from the right, a beacon of the city’s pride and a splash of color against the monochrome mood, a vibrant life-force in the midst of winter’s grip.

The finale of this urban symphony is played out in the lower trio of scenes. The historic clock tower, nestled against the sleek curves of modern glass towers, stands as a testament to Toronto’s reverence for its history, a conversation between epochs.

The penultimate scene captures the crepuscular glow of the city at dusk, traffic lights winking like fireflies as the day’s tempo slows to the nocturne of nightlife.

And there, in the final square, a lone pigeon holds court, a feathered denizen perched in quiet contemplation, a symbol of the city’s untamed elements, a single note of natural life amid the urban chorus.

Together, these images don’t just show Toronto; they invite you to feel the city’s heart, to explore its layered soul, and to lose yourself in its embrace. Each frame is a story, a secret whispered in shades of steel and whispers of stone. This is Toronto, not just seen, but deeply, intimately known.

Awe-Inspiring Wonder: Exploring the Majestic Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls, a natural wonder straddling the Canadian and American border, is a mesmerizing destination steeped in history and grandeur. Join me as we delve into its allure and enchantment.

A Glimpse into History

 With roots dating back thousands of years, Niagara Falls has been revered by indigenous peoples and explorers alike. Its three main falls – Horseshoe, American, and Bridal Veil – have captivated visitors for centuries.

Experiencing Niagara’s Splendor

Visiting Niagara Falls engages all the senses, from the thunderous roar of cascading water to the cool mist enveloping you. Boat tours, scenic pathways, and thrilling adventures offer countless ways to immerse yourself in its splendor.

Beyond the Falls

Explore the surrounding region, from wine tasting tours in Niagara-on-the-Lake to adrenaline-pumping adventures. The vibrant cities of Niagara Falls offer dining, entertainment, and accommodation options for every traveler.

Preserving a Natural Treasure

Conservation efforts and sustainable tourism practices are vital in safeguarding Niagara Falls for future generations. By embracing eco-friendly initiatives, we ensure its beauty endures for centuries to come.

Niagara Falls is a symbol of nature’s power and beauty, captivating visitors with its timeless allure. A journey here promises an unforgettable adventure, filled with wonder, excitement, and appreciation for the natural world.

Between Worlds: A Torii Gate’s Cultural Harmony in Makati’s Little Tokyo

The torii gate, a hallmark of traditional Japanese architecture, stands as a symbolic portal at the entryway to Shinto shrines, marking a profound transition from the ordinary to the divine. These gates are not mere architectural features but serve a pivotal role in demarcating the boundary between the physical world and the sacred realm, signaling to all who pass beneath them that they are entering a space blessed and hallowed. The presence of multiple torii gates along the approach to a shrine is a common sight, with each gate encountered bringing the visitor closer to the shrine and symbolizing a gradual increase in sacredness and spiritual proximity to the divine.

Crafted from materials such as wood and stone, torii gates embody a timeless significance, with their construction reflecting a deep reverence for durability and natural beauty. These materials are chosen not only for their aesthetic appeal but also for their ability to withstand the test of time, thereby maintaining the gate’s role as a steadfast sentinel at the threshold of the sacred.

The image in question captures a torii gate situated within the serene confines of the Little Tokyo Garden in Makati, Philippines, a unique fusion of cultural and geographical landscapes. This specific gate heralds the beginning of a pathway that leads visitors through an immersive experience, where the street beyond is adorned with authentic Japanese restaurants. This setting creates a cultural bridge that transports visitors from the bustling streets of Makati to the atmospheric charm of Japan, offering a taste of Japanese tradition and culinary excellence within the Philippine context.

This blending of cultural elements highlights the torii gate’s versatility and its symbolic significance beyond the shores of Japan, illustrating how these structures can serve as cultural ambassadors that promote a sense of peace, reverence, and cross-cultural appreciation. The torii gate in Little Tokyo Garden exemplifies how traditional Japanese architectural elements can be integrated into diverse settings around the world, creating spaces that honor the sacred while fostering a connection between differing cultures and landscapes.

Mural Graffiti: Artistic Vibrancy in Urban Spaces

Mural graffiti, a vibrant and dynamic form of street art, combines the raw, expressive power of graffiti with the large-scale, visual storytelling of murals. Originating as an underground movement, mural graffiti has transcended its rebellious roots to become a celebrated medium of public art, offering artists a vast canvas to showcase their creativity and engage directly with the community.

These artworks are often characterized by their bold colors, intricate designs, and diverse themes, ranging from social and political commentary to abstract and fantastical imagery. Artists use a variety of techniques, including spray paint, stencils, and brushwork, to create pieces that can transform bland urban landscapes into lively, thought-provoking environments.

Mural graffiti is typically found on city walls, buildings, and other public surfaces, making art accessible to a wide audience beyond the confines of traditional galleries. This form of art not only beautifies public spaces but also stimulates conversation, challenges societal norms, and reflects the cultural identity and issues of the community.

Collaborations between artists, local governments, and organizations have led to the commissioning of mural graffiti projects worldwide, recognizing their potential to foster community pride, tourism, and economic development. Despite occasional controversies surrounding legality and censorship, mural graffiti continues to evolve as a respected and influential art form, marking its territory in the annals of contemporary culture.

The picture from above was taken at BGC (Bonifacio Global City), Taguig, Manila, showcasing the area’s commitment to transforming urban spaces into canvases for artistic expression and cultural dialogue.

Top of Form


A spiral is a curve that winds around a central point at a continuously increasing or decreasing distance from the point. Spirals can be found in nature, mathematics, art, architecture, and technology, manifesting in various forms and contexts. They are unique in that they maintain a constant direction around a fixed center, creating a coiling or whirling pattern that can be either tight or loose.

In mathematics, spirals are often described using equations in polar coordinates, where the radius from the center changes as a function of the angle. There are several types of mathematical spirals, each with distinct properties:

  • Archimedean Spiral: A spiral in which the arms get farther apart from each other as they move away from the center at a constant rate.
  • Logarithmic Spiral: A type of spiral often found in nature, where the rate of growth is constant but the spiral gets wider or farther from the center in a pattern that can be described by a logarithmic function.
  • Fibonacci Spiral: An approximation of the Golden Spiral, using quarters of circles that fit within squares with Fibonacci number side lengths. It is related to the golden ratio and appears in some patterns of growth in nature.

Spirals have a broad significance beyond mathematics. In nature, they can be seen in the patterns of shells, galaxies, weather patterns (such as hurricanes), and plant growth. In art and architecture, spirals have been used since ancient times, symbolizing concepts such as growth, evolution, and eternity. The spiral staircase is a classic example in architecture, offering an efficient and visually appealing way to ascend or descend between floors.

Technologically, spirals are employed in various applications, from the grooves on a record or the coils of a spring to the design of turbines and fans. Their efficiency in space and function makes spirals a fascinating and useful pattern in both natural and human-made structures.

Vigan, A Glimpse into the Philippines’ Colonial Past

Vigan is a city located on the western coast of the large island of Luzon, in the Philippines. It is the capital of the province of Ilocos Sur and is known for its preserved Spanish colonial and Asian architecture. The city’s history dates back to the pre-colonial period when it was an important trading post for Chinese junks trading gold for beeswax, ceramics, and other goods from the indigenous peoples of the Cordillera region. The Spaniards arrived in the 16th century and established Vigan as a center of Spanish colonial power in northern Luzon.

One of the most famous and picturesque streets in Vigan is Calle Crisologo, located in the Mestizo District. This historic street is a vivid representation of Philippine colonial history, lined with Spanish-style houses that have been carefully preserved or restored. Calle Crisologo is made more enchanting with its cobblestone streets and a car-free environment, allowing visitors to walk back in time to the Spanish colonial era. The area is bustling with calesas (horse-drawn carriages), giving tourists a unique and old-world experience. By night, the street transforms with the warm glow of lanterns illuminating the facades of the antique houses, enhancing the romantic and nostalgic atmosphere.

Shops, antique stores, and eateries along Calle Crisologo offer an array of local crafts, souvenirs, and delicacies, making it a popular spot for both tourists and locals. The preservation of Vigan, especially the Calle Crisologo area, is a testament to the Philippines’ rich history, blending indigenous, Asian, and European influences. In recognition of its well-preserved Spanish colonial architecture and historical significance, Vigan was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999.

What is Construction?

Construction is the process of constructing a building or infrastructure. It involves the translation of architectural and engineering designs into physical structures and facilities. The construction process starts with planning and design, followed by financing, and continues until the asset is built and ready for use. This complex field combines various elements, including materials, labor, equipment, and services, and can involve a wide range of personnel, from architects and engineers to construction workers and project managers, each playing a critical role in bringing a project to fruition.

Construction projects can be categorized into different types, including residential, commercial, industrial, and infrastructure projects, each with its own unique set of requirements, standards, and challenges. Residential construction focuses on buildings where people live, such as houses and apartment complexes. Commercial construction encompasses buildings used for business purposes, like offices, malls, and hotels. Industrial construction involves structures for manufacturing and production, including factories and power plants. Infrastructure construction covers public works like roads, bridges, tunnels, water supply, and sewers.

The construction process typically follows several stages, including:

  1. Conceptualization and Design: This initial phase involves defining the project, conducting feasibility studies, and creating detailed designs and specifications.
  2. Pre-construction and Planning: Before actual construction begins, this phase includes site investigation, obtaining necessary permits, and planning the logistics and schedules.
  3. Procurement: This involves sourcing and purchasing the materials, equipment, and labor required to complete the project.
  4. Construction: The physical construction phase, where the building or infrastructure is built following the project plans and specifications.
  5. Commissioning and Handover: After construction, this phase includes testing of the facilities, addressing any deficiencies, and handing over the completed project to the owner.
  6. Maintenance and Operations: Ensuring the structure remains in good condition and operates effectively over its lifespan.

Construction projects require careful coordination and management to ensure they are completed on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards. Safety is also a critical aspect of construction, as the industry is known for its high risk of accidents and injuries, necessitating strict adherence to safety regulations and practices.

Singapore: A Green and Sustainable Urban Oasis

Singapore, officially known as the Republic of Singapore, is a vibrant and dynamic city-state located in Southeast Asia. It is situated at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula and is separated from Malaysia to the north by the Johor Strait and from Indonesia to the south by the Singapore Strait. Here is a detailed description of Singapore:

  1. Modern Metropolis: Singapore is renowned for its cutting-edge modernity and skyline, featuring an impressive array of skyscrapers, futuristic architecture, and state-of-the-art infrastructure. It stands as a testament to urban development and innovation.
  2. Multicultural Society: Singapore is a melting pot of diverse cultures and ethnicities, with a rich tapestry of Chinese, Malay, Indian, and various other communities coexisting harmoniously. This cultural diversity is reflected in the city’s cuisine, festivals, and traditions.
  3. Economic Powerhouse: The city-state has established itself as a global financial hub and economic powerhouse, attracting multinational corporations, entrepreneurs, and investors from around the world. Its strong economy is driven by finance, trade, technology, and tourism.
  4. Green City: Despite its urbanization, Singapore is dedicated to maintaining green spaces and lush landscapes. The city is known for its well-manicured parks, such as Gardens by the Bay, and its commitment to environmental sustainability.
  5. Efficient Public Transport: Singapore boasts an efficient and extensive public transportation system, including an extensive network of buses and a world-class subway system (MRT), making it easy for residents and visitors to navigate the city.
  6. Education and Innovation: Singapore places a high emphasis on education and research, with world-class universities and research institutions. It consistently ranks among the top countries in global education rankings.
  7. Clean and Safe: The city is known for its cleanliness and strict laws that maintain order and safety. Singaporeans take pride in their city’s cleanliness and low crime rates.
  8. Culinary Delights: Singapore is a food lover’s paradise, offering a diverse culinary scene that ranges from street food stalls (hawker centers) serving local delicacies to high-end international restaurants. Popular dishes include Hainanese chicken rice, laksa, and chili crab.
  9. Cultural Attractions: The city is home to various cultural and historical attractions, including the National Museum, Chinatown, Little India, and Kampong Glam. These areas provide insight into the city’s rich heritage and history.
  10. Marina Bay Sands: An iconic symbol of Singapore, the Marina Bay Sands resort complex features a stunning rooftop infinity pool, a casino, luxury shopping, and breathtaking views of the city skyline.
  11. Sentosa Island: Located just off the coast of Singapore, Sentosa Island offers entertainment options such as Universal Studios Singapore, adventure parks, beaches, and golf courses.
  12. Business Hub: Singapore’s strategic location, business-friendly policies, and well-developed infrastructure make it a global business hub, attracting companies and professionals from various industries.

In summary, Singapore is a modern, diverse, and prosperous city-state that seamlessly combines tradition with innovation. It is celebrated for its economic prowess, cultural richness, and commitment to sustainability, making it a compelling destination for travelers and a sought-after place to live and work.